Breath Practices


Breathwork is an active meditation using a two-part pranayama that will shift your body into the space of the sympathetic nervous system. This space can bring up lots of emotions, and you are in charge of what you do. I am here to help you deepen your self-knowledge, release emotions, and understand what drives your beliefs about life.  

Breathwork workshops are offered once a month at Zen Den Yoga & Wellness in Boonton, and 1:1 will be opening this winter in Fairfield.

Private Breath Coaching

Breath Coaching is for people who want to learn to breath better + more productively. Super for people who want to learn how to experience deep breathing, learn how to use the breath to relax (or wake up), and bring the breath into the diaphragm. Sessions are over zoom.

30 MINUTES  $63.00  

Learn to breathe properly and efficiently, by using your diaphragm. This is for you if you wish to learn how to experience deep breathing, how to use the breath to relax or wake up, and bring the breath into the diaphragm.  Four session series is highly recommended.


photography by Margaret Grzymkowski

Photography: Margaret Grzymkowski @marggrz 

“Take no one’s word for anything, including mine - but trust your experience.”

― James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time